Cipollata di Tonno

Cipollata di Tonno

Enzo Oliveri
Enzo Oliveri

Cipollata di Tonno (“tunnu ca cipuddata” o “cipuddata di tunnu” in sicilian) is a very tasty second dish and of course you can appreciate it if you like the onions. You can eat it warm but it is very good also if served at the ambient temperature.

Cipollata di Tonno
Cipollata di Tonno

INGREDIENTS for 4 people
500 g onions blondes,
1⁄2 cup of white wine vinegar, 1 spoonful of sugar,
1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.
Peel the onions, wash, dry and cut into slices not too thin.
Put them in a pan and cover with water.
Cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat and covered pan until the water will dry and the onions have softened. At this point, remove the lid, add the oil and season the onions with salt and pepper.
Cook over low heat, turning them frequently, so that they do not stick to bottom of pan.
When cooked, add the vinegar which was dissolved sugar and let it cook for a few more minutes.
Transfer, then, cipollata in a bowl and let it cool.
Cipollata serve at room temperature.
Cook tuna and serve Cipollata onto.